Our tryout presses

The tryout presses from Zeulenroda Presstechnik are special presses for tool and mould making, product development and research. These presses can be operated sensitively with a joystick, are synchronised and position-controlled, and are individually adapted to the specific requirements. Tryout presses therefore enable you to simulate the movement characteristics of both mechanical and hydraulic presses.

The AGEOH hydraulic tryout presses for tool and mould making represent decades of experience. The tool testing and small series press has been optimally designed for toolmaking – especially for progressive tools. Free access from all 4 sides of the tryout press is a benefit for the mould maker in his daily work. In the event of an off-centre load from the mould, the slide is kept parallel thanks to 2 cylinders and the synchronisation control, ensuring safe operation.

Do you need help making a decision?

We will help you decide which hydraulic mould tryout press is right for you:

Contact us

Precise pressing technologies for every challenge

Discover precision and versatility in our selection of state-of-the-art pressing technologies. From efficient automatic stamping presses and sophisticated stamping and forming lines to high-performance servo presses and hydraulic presses, we offer first-class solutions for your requirements.

Stufenumformautomaten | Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | Zeulenroda Presstechnik

High-performance multiple step press systems

Stanzautomaten | Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | Zeulenroda Presstechnik

Automatic stamping presses

Stand- und Umformautomaten | Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | Zeulenroda Presstechnik

Stamping and forming lines

Servopressen | Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | Zeulenroda Presstechnik

Servo presses

Hydraulische Pressen | Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | Zeulenroda Presstechnik

Hydraulic presses

Individuelle Presssysteme | Maschinen- und Anlagenbau | Zeulenroda Presstechnik

Customised press systems